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What is train seat availability?

While booking, we follow a standard procedure where we look for seat availability on a specific train to plan our journey more accurately. You can simply search for specific seat availability by looking at the IRCTC website. If you are sure about your travel plans, ensure to book your seats beforehand to avoid any inconvenience later. During the peak season of festivals or tourism, train tickets are scarcely available. Even upon booking, there are instances when your seat will not be confirmed due to a lack of availability.

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How do I check train seat availability using IRCTC?

When it comes to checking seat availability, one must check the IRCTC website for accurate information. It is fairly easy to check train seat availability by simply adding your preferred train or route and checking seat and train availability. While booking, passengers can book their seats under certain filtered categories, like General Quota, Ladies Quota, Tatkal Quota, Senior Citizen Quota, Foreign Tourist Quota, and lastly, Specially Abled Quota. 


Step-by-step Guide to Checking Train Seats Available

To check the available seats, travellers can log on to the IRCTC website to check the current seat availability. Upon train seat availability, travellers can click on the book tab to reserve a seat. In the case of next-day travel, you can also opt for Tatkal ticket booking for instant confirmation. 

  1. Enter your departure and destination stations. 
  2. Choose the date of the journey. 
  3. Navigate through the tab and search for the list of trains, their running dates, and their availability schedule. 
  4. Choose the train that suits you the best and your preferred date, and confirm the booking.  

Read: Check IRCTC Chart Vacancy & Availability Status

How to Check Seat Availability in Train in Tatkal?

Passengers have the liberty to search for available seats on their desired day of travel; however, in cases of unavailability or emergency travel plans, one can also use the Tatkal ticket option to book urgent seats. 

Tatkal tickets are issued depending upon the actual distance to the destination, and thus the charges are influenced by the availability and distance. The booking of Tatkal tickets begins 24 hours before the actual date of travel. In Tatkal tickets, the price is subjective depending upon the class of service. 

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Train Seat Availability Status

You can check the train seat availability by accessing the IRCTC seat availability website. You can plan your entire itinerary smoothly if you are aware of your exact train status also, you can avoid missing your train. 

Enter the 10-digit PNR number with the departure and destination stations to know the exact train status.  

There are instances when your ticket will be classified on the waiting list even after making the reservation priority. As per the availability and cancellation of confirmed tickets, the tickets on the waiting list usually get confirmed before the train departs. 

Also Know- Indian Railway Chart Preparation Timings Guide

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best time to get the best train seat?

Ideally, the train tickets must be booked at least 120 days before the date of travel. Always plan to secure a confirmed seat on the train. 

  • What does current seat availability mean?

Current seat availability refers to checking the exact number of seats available in real-time. You can find this option if you are booking your seat in Tatkal. 

  • What is the option of searching for train seat availability at the last minute?

You can look for a seat in a train search by adding your departure and arrival stations at the last minute. However, you can book your seat as per train seat availability in Tatkal. 

  • How do I check if a train seat is available?

For a train seat availability search, you can go to the IRCTC website, where you have to insert your departure and destination stations. You will see a list of trains with the number of available seats in each class or coach. 

  • How do I check seat availability after chart preparation?

After the chart is prepared, you will have to visit the booking counter or ask the ticket in charge to know the seat availability. 

  • What are the chances of my ticket getting confirmed?

The ticket confirmation solely depends on the train seat availability and time of season. There is no certain guarantee of confirmed tickets, even for a Tatkal railway reservation.

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