Railways have played an important role in shaping nations and connecting people throughout history. Under the familiar hum of engines and the rhythmic clickety-clack of train lines, however, lurk intriguing historical mysteries that lend an air of awe to the world of...
Train stations are often overlooked in the hustle of daily life, considered simply as somewhere to catch a train and go on with our lives. These places, however, have a distinct appeal, revealing stories of history, design, and the cultural identity of the towns they...
Traveling by train in India is both convenient and cost-effective. Indian Railways provides a variety of alternatives for both long-distance and short-distance travel. In this blog, we’ll give practical advice on how to save money on your train ticket while also...
Are you planning a journey on the SHM LTT EXP 18030? If so, you’re in for a treat! Forget the mundane food in train and embark on a culinary adventure with Zoop, IRCTC’s official e-catering partner. Zoop allows you to order delectable food in train from a...
India is a diverse country with lots of different cultures and places. Trains in India don’t just connect big cities; they also help link faraway tribal communities. This blog looks at how trains are making a big difference by connecting and helping these tribal...
India is a country full of special places that bring people closer to spirituality. These places are not just for religious folks; anyone can visit and feel the peaceful vibes. Let’s take a look at some of these magical spots. Top Spiritual Sites of India...